The Woman’s Unwavering Faith: A Reflection on Mark 7:24-30 The story of the Syrophoenician woman is a powerful testament to the nature of faith. Faced
In Mark 6:30-56, we witness Jesus transforming a scarcity mindset into one of abundance. The disciples, overwhelmed by the needs of a crowd of five
How is it with your heart? – A Reflection from Mark 6:14-29 This past week, Rev. Sia Puloka, from Tonga, shared a powerful message based on Mark 6:14-29
Jesus on Rejection – Shake it Off In Mark 6:1-13, Jesus teaches his disciples a powerful lesson about handling rejection. He tells them that if they encounter
It’s the season of celebrating independence and freedom with fireworks and barbeque. And, I hope you have a fun and safe celebration. But the concept
Western Hills UMC
10:50 a.m. Sunday Worship
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