When God is Silent (A reflection based on Job 23:1-17)
10.17.24 When God is Silent (A reflection based on Job 23:1-17)Have you ever found yourself searching for God, only to be met with silence? I
10.17.24 When God is Silent (A reflection based on Job 23:1-17)Have you ever found yourself searching for God, only to be met with silence? I
10.10.24 Holding It Together When Everything’s Falling Apart This past Sunday’s sermon, based on Job 1:1, 2:1-10, is a timely reflection on how we navigate
10.3.24 Growing up, prayer was an integral part of our family life. We gathered each morning and evening, young and old alike, to offer our prayers
Submitting to God’s Wisdom This past week, we learned that true wisdom comes from submitting our lives to God, trusting in God’s plan, and letting
Proverbs 1:20-33 offers life-giving wisdom. Like a lighthouse guiding ships through rough waters, wisdom calls out to us, urging us to follow the path that
Western Hills UMC
10:50 a.m. Sunday Worship
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