Prayer for the Fifth Sunday in Lent

Scripture: John 11:1-45

Dear God,

On this fifth Sunday in Lent, we are grateful for all you have done for us. We come before you with humble hearts, reflecting on the story of Lazarus. We remember how Mary and Martha’s faith was tested, and they cried out to you in their time of need.

Today, we ask for the same faith and courage to trust in your power to bring new life to our difficult situations. We pray for the strength to face our challenges with the same confidence Mary and Martha had in you. Help us to remember that even when things seem hopeless, you are the God of miracles. We pray that you would breathe new life into the places of our lives that feel dead and heal our wounds and give us hope for the future.

We pray for the families and communities dealing with a loss today, especially the people of Mississippi. We pray for people everywhere who are struggling. Just as you brought Lazarus back to life, we ask that you breathe new life into people who need hope. Help us to trust in your power to transform even the darkest situations.

As we journey towards Easter, may we continue to draw closer to you, growing in faith and love, and may the story of Lazarus remind us of your power to bring life out of death.

We ask all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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