
Day 25: Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Rev. Sela Finau


Scripture: The human mind plans the way, but the Lord direct the steps. (Proverbs 16:9 NRSV)

Devotional: One of the greatest gifts of God to humanity is the freedom to choose. We can choose our attitude and direction in life.

Sometimes we don’t always make the right choice. We rush to make decisions or have the wrong motives. We even sometimes choose not to choose, and the consequences haunt us for our indecisions.

Sometimes the problem with choices is that there are too many, and need for a clearer understanding of which way is right and which way is wrong. Other times, we may feel that we have no choice. God gave us the gift of freewill so we can make wise choices. We should make the right choices through guidance from the Bible and the Holy Spirit. When we feel we have made the wrong choice, we can ask God to help us choose again and direct our steps. We do not have to be stranded in the desert or the middle of nowhere. We can always find hope in asking God to direct our steps and bring us back on the right track.

During the season of Lent, if you are on the wrong track, ask God to redirect your steps and help you get back on the right path.

Prayer: Holy God, we give you thanks for gifting us freewill. As we plan for our life, help us stay on course. Amen


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