Elevator Speech on the 5 O’Clock Evening News

Dear Church,

Have you ever been caught off guard with unexpected questions about your faith and the church’s mission and ministries? Imagine being in an elevator and someone asking you why you’re a Christian, why you attend Western Hills United Methodist Church, and what your church is doing to help families in the neighborhood and address the recent crimes in the area. Do you have a prepared response?
Do you have an “elevator speech”?

This happened to me recently, on Monday, but instead of an elevator, it was an impromptu interview with WFAA Channel 8. The news anchor, Scoop Jefferson, wanted to discuss the recent criminal activities in our neighborhood, including a child who was hurt over the weekend. Despite not having time to prepare, glance in the mirror, or process what was happening that I would appear on the 5:00 O’Clock evening news, I had an answer for each of the questions, although spontaneous and unpolished. (Click here for the story.) Our church’s mission field includes Las Vegas Trail (LVT), and we are committed to making a positive impact, and sharing the love of Jesus, despite the challenges. And while WFAA had a story to share, we also have a story to tell, one of Jesus and the God we serve.

It’s worth remembering that Jesus didn’t serve in a “safe neighborhood,” and those he thought would support him abandoned him. The people who shouted “Hosanna” on Palm Sunday were likely the same ones who shouted “crucify him” on Good Friday. 

As we journey through Lent, let’s prepare ourselves through prayer, self-reflection, study, and meditation. Let us not only attend worship and Sunday School but also put our faith into action. 

You are invited to join a few of us who will be taking out faith into the streets of Lancaster immediately after worship this Sunday. If you would like to contribute something, please bring it Sunday. It can be clothes, toiletries, or food items that our friends on the streets can use.

Thank you for your faithfulness.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Grace and peace,
Pastor Sela

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