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What Then Shall We Do?

What Then Shall We Do? A Christmas and New Year’s Reflection

As we journey through Advent and approach Christmas, we hear John the Baptist’s urgent call from the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord!” His challenge to the crowd resonates with us today: “What then shall we do?”

John reminds us that preparing for Christ’s coming is not about relying on our church traditions, family name, or how much money or time we give the church. None of these outward signs can genuinely prepare our hearts. Instead, it’s about how we reflect God’s love and justice in the way we live. John calls us to bear fruit that shows repentance—a life that aligns with God’s will.

This requires a shift in our attitudes and ways. Are we sharing the blessings God has given us, or are we holding onto them for ourselves? God’s blessings were never meant for us to hoard. They are meant to flow through us, reaching those in need. Preparing for Christ means living with open hands and open hearts. It means practicing compassion and integrity in our everyday actions. It means being generous to those who lack, showing fairness in how we treat others, and embodying God’s justice in all we do.

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, let us examine our lives and ask ourselves hard questions: Where do we need to let go of pride, selfishness, or complacency? How can we show more love and justice to those around us? Advent is not only a time to anticipate Christ’s coming but also a time to realign our lives to reflect His kingdom.

This Christmas, let us welcome Christ into our celebrations and our actions. As we step into the New Year, may we commit to living lives of generosity, compassion, and integrity—lives that prepare the way for the Lord every day.

Christ is coming—may our hearts, homes, and lives be ready to receive Him.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Pastor Sela 

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