Song of Praise

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Terry Meyer 

 Song of Praise 

Scripture: Luke 1:46-47 (NRSV) “And Mary said, my soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” 

Devotion: I am sure you recognized this verse. It is the start of ‘Mary’s song of praise.’ I have always received a lot of teaching from these verses in Luke. I encourage you to read the whole song of praise scriptures in Luke. I have found so much to sing praises to the Lord about, and He has magnified my soul and spirit in these changes in my life. Advent time has traditionally prepared our hearts for our Messiah’s coming. It is a season of expectation, celebration, and hope that has always and continues to be connected to His birth. Each Sunday of Advent represents a symbol of my (our) expectations. I try to focus on my expectations rather than the commercial aspect we have allowed to creep into this Holy time. The first Sunday will be hope, the second Sunday will be faith, the third candle is usually pink, representing joy, and the final candle marks the anticipation I feel to be the birth of Christ, our Savior. I have lost loved ones during the Advent season, and these verses have helped me focus on the Lord and His eternal promise for all who believe.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the scriptures and this time of the season that helps me refresh my soul and spirit. Amen.

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