Learning about Advent

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Brenda Bearden

Learning About Advent

Scripture: Isaiah 7:14 – “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and call him Emmanuel.”

Devotion: I grew up in a Christian home and attended a church of another denomination until I was a young adult. In looking back at those years, I remember hearing stories of the birth of Christ and seeing the Nativity scene in the church. But other than that, most of my memories are of things like the Christmas tree, presents, and being with family.

It wasn’t until I became a Western Hills United Methodist Church member that I learned about Advent. At that time, I was a young mother, and with my two children, we got to experience the preparation and anticipation of the coming of Christ. My son and daughter were involved in the hanging of the white monograms on the Chrismon tree. We saw the lighting of the Advent wreath candles that symbolize hope, peace, love, and joy. The church was always beautifully decorated, and the choir presented a wonderful Cantata.

Even now, after these many years, I still realize how important it is that we prepare and open our hearts for the coming birth of Jesus in a humble stable. God’s gift of love to the world gives each one of us forgiveness, salvation, and a new beginning.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the birth of your Son, Jesus Christ, and our eternal salvation through Him. Help each of us to have Jesus at the center of our life, not only during Advent but every day. Amen.

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