“Be Prepared”

Monday, November 28, 2022

Jerry Warburton

“Be Prepared”

Scripture: Revelation 22:20 (CEB) The one who bears witness to these things says, “Yes, I’m coming soon.” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!               

Devotion: Advent is the religious season when Christians prepare for the celebration of the coming of Jesus Christ. Obviously, it is a very important and serious time for us, but all too often, due to shopping, parties, civic events, family gatherings, etc. Advent winds up being squeezed in or left out of our Christmas celebration altogether.

Let’s try hard to keep Advent in the front of our plans again this year. Perhaps changing just one thing about our Advent preparation this year will help us focus more on the steps we normally follow.

Since we say Advent is important to us, let’s compare it to our preparation for the other things we might also say are essential. For example:

1) An athlete practices even more faithfully before an especially “big” game, gets plenty of rest, eats the right food, reschedules other events, cleans or replaces parts of their equipment/uniform, and above all, arrives focused and on time for all practices and the ‘big” game.

2) An office worker who is responsible for a “big” presentation will make plans, do research, discuss with others for insight and alternate thoughts, revise the content, make handouts/visual aids, prepare the meeting room, and get a good night’s rest to arrive on time and alert.

3) A person who earns a “dream” role in a play will study the script diligently, analyze their character and the others, memorize their lines, practice their delivery and interaction with others during rehearsal, make sure the costume is ready, stay healthy, always be on time for preparations and the actual play.

By doing these various types of things to be ready for other important events, these people can ensure they are as prepared as possible, give their best effort to the others involved, and achieve the optimum outcome they and their group are capable of leaving them with wonderful memories for the rest of their life.

Please consider making a similar effort to these during your preparation for Advent this year.

Prayer: Dear God, please help us give the Advent season its proper front and center place in our Christian lives during this Christmas season. Amen.


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