A New Path

Day 24: Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Brenda Bearden

A New Path

Scripture: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)

Devotion: I had worked at a hospital for 31 years. Because I had very good bosses and generally good fellow employees, I had never thought to look for another job elsewhere. Then the hospital got into a serious financial situation and eventually had to close. Since I worked in administration, I was fortunate to still be employed on an interim basis while all financial and legal issues were being resolved. After the initial shock went away, I then began to worry about my future. I had not composed a resume or been on a job interview in 31 years. Would anyone want to hire someone my age or someone who had worked at only one place all those years? 

As it turned out, the day that the hospital closed, I had to leave that evening to go out of town for a Kairos weekend. I turned my attention from that work situation to being totally focused on the ministry that the Lord had placed me in several years earlier. I believe that this was not just a coincidence. We are told in His word that if we are ever mindful of Him and serve Him with a willing and faithful heart, He will make our paths straight. He will remove the obstacles from our pathway and bring us to His plan and purpose. My path led to working in administration in another hospital, which was a wonderful environment and experience for the next ten years.

Prayer:  Dear Heavenly Father, when circumstances in our life make us worry and fear for our future, help us to always place our faith and trust in You. Amen


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